“I started working with Menachem over a year ago, after having my third debilitating back spasm, which I now know was caused by a massive disc herniation. I was crooked – I used to not be able to sit for more than 5 minutes, was always in pain, and it was like this for months. Before seeing Menachem, I’d met with spine surgeons, radiologists, phyisos, chiropractors, sports therapists- basically anyone to help me out of pain.
Menachem was the only one to really understand and fix my movement patterns to strengthen my back & build work capacity.
I had been training in the gym for close to 15 years and picked up bad habits, even though my form on the surface looked good- but the truth was that it was not.
Menachem was able to correct and identify macro and micro movements that have basically resulted in my getting pain free without spinal surgery. The goal was to get me moving and training again, and while it’s been a long tedious journey, that’s by no means over, I’m back in the gym and safely training again. Hell, I’m walking normally again!
I’ve learned the tools to protect my back and live and train in a manner to give me the most pain-free longevity.
This guy really knows his stuff.
-Josh 37”
“I was suffering from back pain that the physio and chiropractor couldn’t address. Menachem did a thorough assessment with me, and then explained what was happening, gave me specific exercises and changes to my movements, that were immediately helpful.
We started with getting out of pain, then moved to activating and strengthening the core muscles, and better posture. Working with Menachem helped me get back to the court quickly, and playing strong.
-Nimrod, 30 Professional Basketball Player”