Dr. McGill’s research and investigations around ‘low back pain syndromes’ has helped me troubleshoot dysfunction in many of the athletes and fitness enthusiasts I see. I began following his work in 2004 during my Master’s degree in Exercise Science and still use his methods today. As a Faculty member in the Department of XXXX at XXXX, I also share his findings with my students, even at the first year level, to help them better understand the impact of correct, or incorrect movement mechanics can have on spine health. Each term my students claim they feel “enlightened and empowered” by this knowledge and have tangible strategies they can use to stay healthy and strong.
PS. I wanted to say thank-you again for all the time and dedication you have provided to the industry. I still communicate with Pavel as does Jim, my husband (another RKC2). You both have been VERY influential in my development as a practitioner. I still quote you in class – “you load to solidify an engram!” Canada