This week I won 75+ age division at the World Masters Squash competition. This would not have been possible if I hadn’t had the good fortune of encountering Dr Stuart McGill. Having previously broken my back twice, I had reached a stage of desperation characterized by constant pain, utter fatigue, inability to sleep and an almost total loss of quality of life. Visits to GP’s, specialists, chiropractors and physiotherapists were not helping and actually making my symptoms worse. Opioids and surgery were on my horizon (when faced with constant pain, you are willing to try anything). At that point, I was able to get an appointment with Stuart McGill, a renowned lower back expert at the University of Waterloo who was treating professional athletes for various types of serious back issues. The rest is history. I went from someone who couldn’t sleep, couldn’t walk, couldn’t smile, and who couldn’t think of anything other than pain to someone who began to walk again, smile again, bicycle again and, unbelievably, to start playing squash again. So this first thank you is to you, Stu, for your dedication to science and for making me whole again. As you know, I have since become a McGill disciple whenever I see or hear of someone with lower back pain.