Testimonials for Nik Dukovac ~ McGill Method Certified Practitioner

“I was 40 years old, in good health, and then suddenly hurt my back by simply jumping off the forklift onto the ground.

My low back disc herniation injury was overwhelming. It affected my life drastically, happening so fast that I was unprepared for the days ahead. I was unable to work for 3 months. Mentally, I struggled to cope with the growing sharp pain and the financial hardships that followed. Bills, money, and important dates quickly became sources of stress and anxiety, adding to the burden of my physical condition. My mobility was severely limited; I could only walk with very small strides to and from places in my house, and I couldn’t tolerate rides in vehicles unless it was to my physio appointments. This led to me missing a family birthday party and family suppers at other relatives’ houses. We even bought a camper but couldn’t use or move it to the campsite. I spent countless hours each night trying to sleep, but the pain made it nearly impossible. I feared sleep because I would wake up in even more pain if I didn’t stay still.

I tried many various therapies without success, including physiotherapy, chiropractic, medical specialist appointments among other things.

I eventually met Dr. Nik Dukovac.

The amazing thing is – I never stepped into Dr. Nik’s office! It was all done by video calls.

Nik’s approach was distinct from others. He was most interested in figuring out HOW I herniated my disc – So that he could create a specific program for me that would allow it to heal and for me to get strong again.
He checked in on me weekly to see if I was ready for the next progression. He let me see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I knew I was going to get back to my life again.

Three months later I was back to work again. It’s hard to believe, but true, I feel better now than I ever have in my life.”

~ Trevor Glanfield