
Magazine: Core Values | The New York Times

Magazine: Core Values | The New York Times Stuart McGill, a professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada, demonstrates a core exercise program that emphasizes all the major muscles that support the spine.

On The Use Weight Belts

Stuart M. McGill Professor of Spine Biomechanics, University of Waterloo, Canada A review invited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association March 2005 Scientific studies regarding the use of belts for athletic endeavours is scarce. Much more evidence and insight exists for the use of belts in occupational settings. The relevant information from occupational usage […]

Spine flexion exercise: Myths, Truths and Issues affecting health and performance

Professor Stuart McGill, PhD University of Waterloo, Canada, and Backfitpro Inc. ( This short article is intended to address the confusion regarding the issue of spine flexion and the misquoting of our work on this topic. First, some general thoughts are addressed, followed with discussion of the mechanisms of athletic performance, injury resilience, and suggestions […]