Fix back pain with Back Mechanic
Back Mechanic: The Step-by-step McGill Method to fix back pain
All back pain has a cause – your challenge is to identify your specific cause and address it. The modern medical system, with 15 minute appointments does not provide the opportunity for a back pained sufferer to obtain a thorough and precise diagnosis of their pain mechanism. They are left without a guide of what to do to fix their back pain.
Back Mechanic guides you through a self-assessment of your pain triggers, then shows you how to avoid these roadblocks to recovery. Whether you’re struggling with a disc bulge, stenosis, spondylolisthesis, muscle strain, or even leg pain associated with a herniated disc, you will be able to wind down your discomfort and match your unique symptoms with the approach that is right for you. Then effective exercises are coached in a step by step progressive guide. Many questions are answered that have eluded answers in the past. Spine expert, Prof. McGill used his 30 years of research findings and clinical investigations to create this evidence-based guide that has helped thousands reclaim their lives. This knowledge is now available to you in this richly illustrated book. You will become your own best Back Mechanic and advocate. 166 pages.
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Back Mechanic Table of Contents
Introduction and overview
The way to a pain-free and robust back
Section 1: “Why me?” Understanding your pain
- 1. Myth-busting
- 2. Back to basics: Getting to know your back and causes of pain
- 3. Is surgery for you?: The essential list
- 4. The Code: Rules and guidelines for back health
Section 2: Self assessment: Finding the cause of your back pain
- 5. Use the McGill approach to find your pain trigger
- 6. Your self-assessment
Section 3: The repair job: Using the right tools to make activity pain-free
- 7. Removing the cause of pain: Learning basic movement tools
- 8. Spine hygiene: moving without pain
- 9. Building a resilient back: The non-negotiable “Big 3” exercises
- 10. The walking program: Nature’s back balm
- 11. The core program
- 12. Restoring the hips
Section 4: Tuning the machine for best performance
- 13. Next level training: Regaining your active lifestyle
- 14. Special exercises for sciatica, kyphosis, scoliosis, stenosis, the overweight and others
- 15. Solutions that solve back pain: Case studies and sample programs
- 16. Q and A with the Professor: Sex, selecting a mattress, and other things you were afraid to ask
- 17. Conclusion
Appendix: Exercise Logs
- 18. Pain and activity ability
- 19. Exercise log
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Toutes les douleurs au dos ont une cause − votre défi est de l’identifier et de la corriger. Dans le système médical moderne, les rendez-vous de 15 minutes ne permettent pas aux patients souffrant de maux de dos d’obtenir un diagnostic complet et précis de leur mécanisme de douleur. Ils sont laissés à eux-mêmes ne sachant pas quoi faire pour soigner leur mal de dos. Le Mécanicien du Dos vous guide à travers l’auto-évaluation de vos déclencheurs de douleur, puis vous montre comment éviter ces obstacles à votre guérison. Que vous soyez aux prises avec un bombement discal, une sténose, une spondylolisthèse, une tension musculaire ou même une douleur à la jambe associée à une hernie discale, vous serez en mesure d’associer vos symptômes à l’approche qui vous convient et par conséquent réduire votre inconfort. Ensuite, des exercices efficaces vous seront enseignés afin de progresser étape par étape. Ce livre répond à de nombreuses questions qui sont restées sans réponse dans le passé. Le professeur McGill, spécialiste de la colonne vertébrale, a cumulé ses 30 années de recherche en laboratoire et en clinique afin de créer ce guide fondé sur des preuves scientifiques. Ce livre a aidé des milliers de personnes à se réapproprier leur vie. Ces connaissances sont maintenant à votre disposition dans ce livre abondamment illustré. Vous comprendrez enfin votre douleur au dos et deviendrez vous-mêmes votre meilleur Mécanicien du dos.
Back Mechanic Testimonials
(Hover over testimonial to pause.)
“I tried several traditional medicine approaches that did not help and then another golfer recommended Professor McGill and the Back Mechanic program. I am out of chronic back pain and back on Tour.”
Daniel Berger, PGA Tour
After 19 seasons in the NHL my body and back benefitted from Back Mechanic and Prof McGill’s approaches. I am back to enjoying life. Adam Oates, 1,079 career assists, over 19 seasons are the 8th most by a player in NHL history.
Adam Oates – NHL Hockey Player
The book Back Mechanic completely altered the course of my athletic career, and inherently my life. Mondays are Jiu Jitsu days. Usually, on Monday nights, I would experience crippling post Jiu Jitsu back pain, and often have an incredibly difficult time sleeping. This pain would persist through Wednesday, which is another Jiu Jitsu day, thus leading to Thursday being even more horribly unbearable than Tuesday was. If I needed to do yard work on Saturday, I’d have shooting nerve pain down my leg on Sunday… which is another Jiu Jitsu day, that I would never be healthy enough to attend. The pain is gone. I have reclaimed my training. I’m doing crazier stuff now in BJJ than I’ve ever done.
Trav from
I am excited to tell you I rode a horse today near Moran, WY. I wish I could truly express my emotions but can’t. I am most grateful for your help, and your book, Back Mechanic. Thank you again for helping me restore my health to as best as can be.
Rachel Kemner, Rancher
Professor McGill is a brilliant clinician. After a disc herniation and a year of pain and sciatica, he identified my issue and explained it in straightforward language. As an opera singer, my back, lungs and core are the keys to my vocal power and stamina. Professor McGill helped me to practice better mechanics both in singing and in life while also creating a training program. He helped get me back onstage, singing and moving freely and painlessly. I’ve recommended ‘Back Mechanic’ to singers, instrumentalists and coaches, too. Grazie, Professor!
Lucia Cesaroni, Opera Singer
After seeing several back injury experts I was not making any progress for my back injury. Reading “Back Mechanic” by Professor Stuart McGill together with consulting with him I was able to get my pain free athleticism back.
Jillian Michaels, Fitness Celebrity
For a long time I have been searching for an effective program on how to restore my back to a high level performance. I found the “Back Mechanic” and it immediately helped me to create a concrete program of what to do. Shortly after I sought out Professor McGill and he right away created for me a thorough plan of action. He is a top expert in the field and his work is now effectively guiding me to restore my full athleticism so that I once again can dance on a high level without limitations.
Denys Drozdyuk, 3-Time World Ballroom 10-Dance Champion and winner “So you think you can dance – Canada”
After a year of dealing with intermittent lower back pain, instability & weakness I made the pilgrimage from Newcastle, UK to Canada to see Dr McGill. The simplicity of the Back Mechanic process and Stu’s no nonsense approach is precisely what I needed. I’m back training, lifting & enjoying life pain free. Forever indebted. Thank you Stu.
Chris Williamson – Modern Wisdom Podcast
As a professional alpine ski-racer, and my back took some big knocks. Then I began to suffer from lower back pain when studying to become a psychologist. Sitting for hours at a time my pain increased despite following guidance from highly regarded back specialists in London, England. I was afraid I may need surgery, as had been suggested to me as a possible intervention should things not improve. Thankfully, I was introduced to the “Back Mechanic” by Stuart McGill. Seriously, it’s one of the best things that has happened to me in my life. Game changer, simple as that. Thanks Stuart for back hygiene that works.
John Moulder-Brown, Pro Ski racer
Back Mechanic and Gift of Injury are as much about injury prevention and performance optimization as they are about rehabilitation. And they’re not just for athletes. The simple and effective methods provide immediate and permanent results for everyone experiencing pain. Dr. McGill and Brian Carroll are changing lives – mine included.
Stan Efferding, Worlds Strongest IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
About 6 years ago, my lower back was giving me such severe problems to the point where I wondered if I could still keep working. Then somebody told me about Back Mechanic by Stuart McGill. I read it and incorporated the exercises in that book and it helped me get over my lower back pain. Even today, before every workout, I still continue to do the exercises at a minimum 4-5 days per week. I can’t thank this book enough!
Phil Simms, Super Bowl XXI MVP, New York Giants
After injuring my back in 2013 I searched for the best doctors and info to help me get back in to fight shape. I spoke to many doctors, tried many methods and read tons of books. None of it really got me over the hump until I came across Dr. McGills books. Since then I have studied Dr. McGills writings and I’ve been fortunate enough to work him in person also. There is not a single person that would attribute my back relief to more than Dr. McGill. My back and core feel stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Matt “the Immortal” Brown, UFC veteran
As a pro tennis player, back pain was ending my career. I was told I needed surgery. Professor Stuart McGill and his book Back Mechanic got me back to functioning at 100%, his method is truly a miracle. After meeting with Dr. McGill and starting my rehab following his method, I quickly felt an improvement with my pain symptoms as my core became stronger and my spine more protected. He also taught me new biomechanics for my back to get rid of the fragile feeling and my pain. And I was able to return to tennis competition, something I couldn’t dream of happening! He had no doubts in my successful recovery and made me believe in it too! Forever grateful.
Elena Bovina ~ Pro tennis player
After being the first to pull a 1000 pound deadlift I found myself struggling after some back and health issues. The pain caused me to loose hip and back power. Stuart McGill and his books showed me the way to rebuild a foundation to train then unleash my hips to regain training ability. I am grateful – thank you.
Andy Bolton ~ First man to deadlift 1000 pounds, UK
After seeing Prof McGill my back has been excellent. His advice, my continuing the Big 3 core exercises, and using the auto mechanic’s stool for my desk have brought about a profound change in my comfort and ability to resume the things I love to do, like hike, ski, and write for long hours. Advice on recuperating from my lower back surgery was also invaluable. From not being able to walk more than ten minutes without numbness in my right quad (and having to stop and find a convenient rock or bench to hang from), I’ve gone to hiking more than six hours at a stretch while carrying a 25-pound hunting pack and climbing and descending a thousand meters. I’m thrilled. Thank you! Thank you! I’ve been recommending Back Mechanic left and right. (Photo by Heather Erson)
Ted Kerasote, Wyoming, USA (Author of some of my favourite books)
To Brian Carroll and Professor McGill
I wanted to send you this video to thank you. Having worked with yourself and Brian and implementing the ideas and principles that you instilled in my training and coaching, has absolutely changed my life. Here I am log clean and pressing 300 pounds after starting “Back Mechanic” and “10/20 life”, 21 months ago.. after being told I would never overcome my devastating back injury. Thank you for everything.
Michael De La Pava ~ Strongman competitor and Owner The Battle Axe Gym, Florida
I had low back problems affecting my ability to work and enjoy life. Then I found Stuart McGill and his book Back Mechanic. I was guided on things to do (and not do) and my pain is gone. Professor McGill just makes sense. And he backs it up with science not guess work. I’m giving him and his book Back Mechanic the highest recommendation.
Ed O’Neill
Before understanding Dr. McGill’s work, I thought my back injury meant the end of my lifting career. Since absorbing all of his knowledge and applying the lessons in this book to my daily life, my career has been restored. I am stronger than ever – and taking my back health to new heights.
Blaine Sumner
Back Mechanic by Prof. McGill is an instant classic. An incredibly detailed—yet free from medical jargon—manual for keeping your back strong and healthy. Plus a wealth of knowledge for athletes looking for a performance edge.
Pavel Tsatsouline, Chairman of Strongfirst
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Back Mechanic: The Step-by-step McGill Method to fix back pain & Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance (6th Edition-2017)
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Back Mechanic: The Step-by-step McGill Method to fix back pain & Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance (6th Edition-2017) & Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation
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Back Mechanic: The Step-by-step McGill Method to fix back pain & Gift of Injury: The strength athlete’s guide to recovering from back injury to winning again
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$95.00 CDN
Video Enhanced Back Mechanic: The Step-by-step McGill Method to fix back pain & Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance (6th Edition-2017)